Group play intervention in remote modality in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD


  • Francisca Nazer Quiroz Universidad Central de Chile
  • Valentina Reyes Fernández Universidad Central de Chile



Occupational Therapy, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Remote Care, Group Workshop, Playing


The current systematization discloses the experiences of group therapeutic intervention in childhood with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), developed by Fundación Amanecer in 2020. The therapeutic objectives were defined according to the group and age range, of these objectives, symbolic group play is chosen, which favors friendship relationships, group companionship, develops cognitive flexibility through games and conversations with peers. The sessions were carried out by playing games and Atemporalia methodology.

It is found that 5 out of 6 working group parents affirm that they adapted to the remote intervention, considering favorable the performance of their children in the sessions. They perceived progress according to indicated therapeutic objectives and agreed with the methodology by virtue of the social and health context.

It is concluded that there are advances in the therapeutic process of these children in virtual care, both working as a team, addressing support needs, as well as adapting the interventions and reaching the objectives set.


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Author Biographies

Francisca Nazer Quiroz, Universidad Central de Chile

Terapeuta Ocupacional Licenciada en Terapia Ocupacional, Universidad Central de Chile.
Terapeuta Ocupacional de Fundación Amanecer, experiencia en área infanto juvenil y salud mental.
Docente de campo clínico de la Universidad Central de Chile y Docente Académico en la Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

Valentina Reyes Fernández, Universidad Central de Chile

Terapeuta Ocupacional Licenciada en Terapia Ocupacional, Universidad Central de Chile.
Terapeuta Ocupacional de Fundación Amanecer, Experiencia en área infanto juvenil y salud mental.


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How to Cite

Nazer Quiroz, F., & Reyes Fernández, V. (2021). Group play intervention in remote modality in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD. Contexto, 7, 113-126.