Occupational therapy in mental health promotion in vulnerable educational settings


  • Daniela Arenas Molina Universidad Central




Occupational Therapy, education, mental health


Mental health problems in Chilean society and the world are very relevant in our time. Studies on child mental health are very scarce, as are programmes that address this problem in this population. The Skills for Life program was born 20 years ago to respond to this problem in the educational communities, recognizing this context as the ideal one to carry out promotion and prevention actions. The teams that in the beginning were only made up of psychologists, today increasingly integrate Occupational Therapy, which brings together all components in their work to promote participation in meaningful occupations in the main actors of the educational centers, such as children, teachers and parents and / or guardians.The Occupational Therapist in this context, encounters challenging environments, trying to empower its participants in front of important issues for mental health, constantly relating to health determinants that limit the full enjoyment of activities and occupations. The experience describes the Program inserted in the commune of Estación Central, in the metropolitan area, where, in addition, we face the intercultural transformation of the society, by which it is necessary to give answers in front of the cultural barriers that appear.
The program has excellent results in terms of the occupational performance of its participants, and their insertion in each school throughout the country can be validated.


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Author Biography

Daniela Arenas Molina, Universidad Central

Licenciada en Terapia ocupacional, Universidad Central.
Diplomado del Buen trato y abordaje de la violencia en la escuela.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
T.O. Programa Habilidades para la Vida I JUNAEB.
T.O. Programa Apoyo en la atención en Salud Mental MIDESO.
Experiencia en salud mental infantojuvenil, adultos y adultos mayores en COSAM Estación Central.


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How to Cite

Arenas Molina, D. (2020). Occupational therapy in mental health promotion in vulnerable educational settings. Contexto, 6, 13-41. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4509243