Perceptions and Experiences of Users Regarding the Housing First Program and its Health Benefits, Metropolitan Region, 2020 Call.




Occupational Therapy, ill-housed persons, social programs


The article presents the results of a qualitative investigation where we sought to know the perceptions of users and occupational therapists of the 2020 call regarding the current Housing First Program and its health benefits. In this writing, emphasis is placed on what was mentioned by the users of the program, from how they have experienced their participation and the benefits they see, and then analyze them in their discussion under the lenses of the discipline of Occupational Therapy which is part of the professional support team. Methodology: Qualitative research of an exploratory nature with a hermeneutic approach. Results: The final sample included 12 users, the findings show a general positive assessment related to the social determinants of health, the perception of health benefits varies depending on the degree of meaning that each person gives to the participation developed by the During the course of the program, professional support and the development of autonomy were highlighted. Conclusions: This study constitutes a reference experience, which projects future lines of research that may investigate the effectiveness or efficacy of this type of interventions.


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Author Biography

Maria Paz Gamboa Avilés, Universidad de Chile

Terapeuta Ocupacional


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How to Cite

Gamboa Avilés, M. P. (2024). Perceptions and Experiences of Users Regarding the Housing First Program and its Health Benefits, Metropolitan Region, 2020 Call. Contexto, 12, 31-43.



Artículos de Investigación