A critical and anti-racist reading from occupational therapy on the constructed and imposed meaning of occupations in the black/Afro-descendant population





Occupational Therapy, women, blacks/Afro-descendants, culture


This article recovers the meaning imposed on the occupations that black/Afro-descendant women carried out throughout history, and the place that the same positions occupied in our society. The impact that these had and had on the performance in the work environment, where they were always accompanied by racism. Being able to carry out a reflection from our discipline allowing and promoting an anti-racist Occupational Therapy.



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Author Biography

Jamila Marinalva da Cunha Kessler, Trabajadora Independiente

Terapeuta Ocupacional, Trabajadora Independiente.


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How to Cite

da Cunha Kessler, J. M. (2024). A critical and anti-racist reading from occupational therapy on the constructed and imposed meaning of occupations in the black/Afro-descendant population. Contexto, 11, 95-106. https://doi.org/10.54761/contexto.num11.73