Life experiences of women with physical disabilities treated in a public hospital




Women, physical disabilities, life experience, feminism


This study presents a critical, feminist perspective on women with acquired physical disabilities and the impact it has on their lives. Its aim is to understand, from a critical viewpoint, the life experiences of a group of women with physical disabilities in personal, family, and social contexts. We will describe their family experiences throughout their lives, identify the aspects in which they experience oppression, and explore their expressions and aspirations for fulfillment.
The methodology employed is qualitative and descriptive of the life experience of four women with acquired physical disabilities in adulthood. The data collection technique consists of life narrative interviews, and the analysis technique used is content analysis.
In their narratives, oppressive situations emerge that are not always visible, but it also reflects courage, effort, and the desire to overcome obstacles, despite the barriers present in society, with support from religion and family.
Their stories illustrate how they interact daily in unfavorable and oppressive environments. Despite aspiring to fulfill traditional female roles, they are excluded due to their condition. Nevertheless, the study highlights the presence of strengths in their personal resources, the support of their families, and their religious beliefs.


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Author Biography

Marcela Mallea Aldana, Universidad Austral de Chile

Candidata a doctora en Ciencias humanas con mención en discurso y cultura. Universidad Austral de Chile.
Terapeuta Ocupacional, Magister Salud Familiar y comunitaria.


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How to Cite

Mallea Aldana, M. (2024). Life experiences of women with physical disabilities treated in a public hospital. Contexto, 11, 29-43.