Cognitive Neuroscience of aging. and its relevance in Occupational Therapy: A Narrative Review




Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Aging, Activity, Occupational Therapy


In this work a review of the processes that affect cognition during aging is carried out from the perspective of two models of Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging (NCE), and how the performance of the person could be affected from the participation in daily activities, it seeks to give elements. Objective: To analyze the literature on cognitive neuroscience of aging between 2015 - 2020 and what would be its implications for Occupational Therapy. Methodology An exploratory literature review is carried out through the review of the following databases: “Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct, Dialnet, Medline, Medes”. Thesis degree studies related to the thematic axes were also included. mentioned at the beginning and selection criteria were established to obtain documents that were later analyzed. Results: The selected articles were 27, the following inclusion criteria were considered as the year of preparation and publication between the periods 2015-2020 Conclusion: A Certain correlation is observed in the bases of Cognitive Neuroscience of aging and Occupational Therapy, but greater development of interrelated knowledge is required to achieve a direct application of precepts between both lines of knowledge, in this way an intervention process can be generated. That are directly related to brain aging.


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Author Biographies

Patricio Baeza Briones, Hospital San Pablo de Coquimbo

Terapeuta Ocupacional, Universidad San Sebastián.  Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ocupación Humana, Unidad Geriátrica de Agudos “UGA”, Hospital San Pablo de Coquimbo, Chile, Docente adjunto y Patrocinado por la Carrera de Terapia Ocupacional, Universidad Santo Tomás, Sede la Serena. Diplomado en Neurociencia Clínica y Neurorrehabilitación, Universidad de Chile. Diplomado en Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica del Adulto, Universidad Diego Portales. Diplomado en Salud Mental en Personas Mayores: un Abordaje Integral desde la Gerontología, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Diplomado en Gestión de Centros de Salud, Instituto Profesional Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior.

Diego Román Romo, Hospital Provincial de Ovalle

Terapeuta Ocupacional, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Licenciado en Terapia Ocupacional, Servicio de psiquiatría, Hospital Provincial de Ovalle, Chile, Miembro del proyecto alteridades, (c) Magíster en Salud Pública: Mención Gestión, Universidad Andrés Bello, Diplomado en Pilares de la salud: Métodos y determinantes de la Salud. Universidad Andrés Bello, Diplomado en Gestión de políticas en salud, Universidad Andrés Bello, Diplomado en Gestión de Organizaciones de salud en un entorno competitivo, Universidad Andrés Bello, Curso de Postgrado en “Introducción a la Evaluación y Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica, Universidad Diego Portales.



How to Cite

Baeza Briones, P., & Román Romo, D. (2022). Cognitive Neuroscience of aging. and its relevance in Occupational Therapy: A Narrative Review. Contexto, 8, 35-50.


