Occupational Therapy Care in Dementias during the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Systematization of experience from the Kelluwun Center, Hualpén
Dementia, Occupational Therapy, Pandemic, Caregiver, TelemedicineAbstract
One of the emerging challenges at a global level is related to the aging population and the consequent risk of increased incidence of major neurocognitive disorder or dementias, which do not have an effective and currently validated curative treatment. However, the available evidence emphasizes the effectiveness and importance of developing symptomatic and accompanying treatments for maintaining the quality of life of those living with a diagnosis of dementia and their immediate environment, especially caregivers. Taking this approach and under the atrous of the National Dementia Plan, the Community Support Center for People with Dementia “Kelluwun” has been working since 2016, which offers comprehensive and transdisciplinary treatment to people living with the diagnosis of dementia in the municipality of Hualpén. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences, characterized mainly by restrictive measures focused on preventing and reducing the risk of spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has presented new challenges and opportunities for the continuity of non-pharmacological treatments in people diagnosed with dementia. This article aims to publicize a systematization of work experience from Occupational Therapy in the Center “Kelluwun”, which has been developed during the last 17 months since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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