Occupational therapy, sexuality and research for public policy





Gender diversity, Occupational therapy, Public Policy, Mental health, Social isolation


Within the central aspects to be addressed by occupational therapy, is the person, which consists of an inseparable characteristic that is sexuality. This characteristic will influence attitudes, style habits and occupational identity, so it should be addressed at different levels of occupational therapy intervention, identifying and addressing the difficulties of the gender marker in sexual dissent, in a social structure that restricts occupational participation and violates the rights of the collective. This situation has been aggravated in the context of confinement due to covid-19, in which there have been higher levels of distress, fear, aggression that in turn lead to an increase in the consumption of tranquilizers by the target population.


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Author Biography

Jose Ignacio Marchant Castillo, Universidad de Las Américas

Licenciado en ciencias de la ocupación humana e integración psicosocial y Terapeuta ocupacional de la Universidad de los Andes. Magister en docencia universitaria de la Universidad Central de Chile y actual estudiante del programa de doctorado en educación y sociedad de la Universidad Andrés Bello. Coordinador de investigación en Fundación Chile diverso, docente universitario en Universidad de Las Américas y terapeuta ocupacional en el Hospital Clínico San Borja Arriarán.



How to Cite

Marchant Castillo, J. I. (2022). Occupational therapy, sexuality and research for public policy. Contexto, 8, 51-61. https://doi.org/10.54761/contexto.num8.14


